Sunday, December 30, 2007

Late Night

So last night seemed to be a fairly typical night, we had just eated dinner and Steven's best friend, Kasey had come over. We started playing Halo 3 Live. (On the internet) We have three controller but since our TV is well anything but large, so we took turns playing. Just so you know how much of a nerd I am like playing Halo, I even have dreams that I am playing. I havn't always had this much enthusiam about playing. I would play every once and a while, but was never any good. But since I got an xbox 360 for Steven for Christmas, I figured it would be fun if I played with him. So back to last night, We played back and forth form about 930-1200, but after that I was watching Steven and Kasey play and I fell asleep. I wasn't woken up until 330 am, when Steven took me to bed. The Boys had played Halo for 6 hours straight and I think they would have played longer but Steven knew we had to wake up in the morning. I guess New Years Eve we are goingto have another Halo night, it is supposed to last all night long. Anyway we had lots of fun, but I feel bad for our down stairs neighbors, because as much as I would like to think otherwise I know that we are noisey.


Blogger Jenny said...

I bet Randy wishes I would play with him. I can't even stand to watch the screen it makes me sick. So he has to beg others to come and play with him. In fact some of the young men from our ward are coming over today to play with Randy.

December 30, 2007 at 2:10 PM  

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